Nashville Women in Film & Television

  Nashville Women in Film and Television is committed to advance professional development & achievement for women working in film, video, and interactive media in Nashville.


Beyond the mission of this inclusive organization lays a whole wide world of choices, circumstances, opportunities, and potential. Inside each participant in and around the organization are fervent discernment, conscience, and empathy. The combination of all, in this inclusive organization, not only embracing our differences but reinforcing our strengths, is the true picture of us, we, the entire community. We will always celebrate each other and greet professionals who have been there, done that, and continue to make professional industry strides.

Shall we allow the divisive tone of the times to make every instance about our differences, and the larger issues being played out around the globe? Or, do we maintain the path of focusing on mentorship for the inclusive organization we aspire to uplift?

Women in Film and Television, Nashville is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation organized and dedicated to advance professional development and achievement for women working in all aspects of film, television, and all other screen-based interactive media. We are committed to helping women achieve their highest potential within the global entertainment, communications, and media industries and to preserving the legacy of women within those industries.

Per our by-laws:               Article I Section 2:

Restrictions on Purpose and Activities:


(C) No part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, nor intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate or public office except as authorized under the Internal Revenue Code as it relates to non-profit corporations.


Given the range of thought and action in these times, it is becoming increasingly easy to parse any individual’s path in such a fashion that division amongst peers and community is inevitable. We, the community, with certain inalienable rights, will undoubtedly find points on which we disagree.  


Membership is open to anyone regardless of gender, religion or politics so join us today and start networking with the local film/TV/media community!

Membership Benefits